Does being a mom impact who you are as a teacher? Absolutely! Teaching is my profession, it’s how I defined my adult life. As a teacher, you often refer to your students as your “kids.” After all, you spend seven and a half hours a day with them, which is often more time than their actual parents. Of course, that didn’t really occur to me until I had my own kids. The first half of my career I spent single and hyperfocused on my career. Now that I’m a wife, mother, and teacher, my time must be budgeted for all three roles.  It takes creative thinking to balance between being a great teacher and being a great mom. Making time to spend with my husband and finding time to cultivate my own interests. Each of these roles requires a major time commitment. How do I do them all well? I have no idea!

Starting a blog is tough, but the reward is so much greater. Learning to blog has helped me learn to be a better teacher of writing. Blogging helps you meet all the right people to fuel your passions and make you better.

Feed your passions

This is where Teach.Mom.Repeat comes into play. Writing has always been a passion of mine. I want to share all the struggles and triumphs in my life as a teacher mom in hopes it will help readers like you. As a veteran teacher, I have spent time honing my craft and I plan to share my best ideas and resources through this blog. Students are always changing so it’s important to develop fresh ideas. I’m always reading new professional development books that help to enhance or sometimes even overhaul my classroom. Read more about that in my book review posts. There are always new products being developed for the classroom. Read about how I used an engaging activity through BreakoutEDU. Through this blog, I promise to share all the wonderful ideas I’m learning and developing. I promise to share them in a way that allows you to also use them in your own classroom. There is already a growing list of resources available to all of my newsletter subscribers.

This blog is also focused on helping moms. Moms who are also teachers. Moms who are also working. Moms who are looking for advice or needing to know that it’s not just happening to them. For a number of years, I watched my friends get married and have children. I often listened to their woes, not truly understanding, but lending a helping hand when possible. Now that I am living these same woes I understand how lonely motherhood can sometimes feel. Late at night when you’re nursing a newborn and all you want to do is sleep. Waking in a cold sweat only to realize it’s a fever and the baby is crying to be fed. Spending your lunch huddled in a corner of your classroom grading essays to the rhythmic sound of your breast pump. Moms need to connect with other moms. Here you will find posts about what has helped me raise my children and make it through those tough lonely moments.

Why this Teacher Mom started a blog even when life felt super busy.

Be part of the tribe

In my career as a teacher, there’s one thing I’ve learned to be essential: teaming. Cooperation is key. Students working as teams to accomplish tasks. Teachers working as teams to be better teachers. Recently our school has been placed on what is called the Ohio Improvement Plan. Part of this plan indicates how we as teachers should come together, creating professional learning communities within our school. I love this! Reading books and talking about them with others. Sharing and brainstorming ideas is my favorite kind of conversation. So why restrict it to just the people I teach with? And why make it just about teaching? This concept is great for moms, too. One comment to a blog post could become your own life-saving, sanity-keeping trick.  When raising babies, or educating children, “it takes a village” could not be a more accurate statement.

Join our village here at Teach.Mom.Repeat. Sign up for newsletters to stay in touch and receive FREE resources. Follow us on social media. Most importantly, please, leave a comment to let us know you’ve stopped by.

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